Frequently Asked Questions

Tag Update

Please ensure privacy pin is not turned on. On the Kestrel, go to Main Menu->Bluetooth and press the center button. Then highlight Privacy Pin and turn off with left or right arrow. After doing this, try running the update again.

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Please see this document

Contains release notes up to version 1.09

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Please see this guidance

This tutorial will show you how you can now change DOF and have your Wind Direction change. This setting can be found in all 5700s with firmware version 1.41 (or higher).

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You can connect the HUD to the Kestrel LiNK Ballistics app for iOS or Android and update the firmware that way. When you connect, you will be notified that an update is available. The HUD would need to be turned on and have Bluetooth ON in order for the Ballistics app to find it and connect to it. There is no other functionality for connecting the HUD to the application except for updating firmware

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Please see this guide on how to update your Kestrel Firmware using Windows:

Kestrel 5 Series Troubleshooting Documents

Tutorial on how to update your Kestrel 5000 series firmware using LiNK for Windows.

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Please see this guide for updating Kestrel 5000 series units with MAC/OSX:

Kestrel 5 Series Troubleshooting Documents

Tutorial on how to update your Kestrel 5000 series firmware using LiNK for MAC/OSX

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Make sure on the Kestrel you go into Environment and set Wcap to All Targets instead of One Target

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You can connect the KST1000 to our Kestrel LiNK Ballistics app for iOS or Android via Bluetooth. Once connected ,you will be prompted if a new firmware is available. Simply select Yes and it will begin the update.

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