Competitive Shooter Jimmy Rodriguez Shares His Thoughts on the Kestrel Ballistics KST1000 Shot Timer

Competitive Shooter Jimmy Rodriguez Shares His Thoughts on the Kestrel Ballistics KST1000 Shot Timer

Exploring the KST1000 Shot Timer: An Interview with Competitive Shooter and Photographer, Jimmy Rodriguez

Jimmy Rodriguez is a jack-of-all-trades, of sorts. Based out of Dallas, Rodriguez is a well-known photographer and YouTuber invested in the sport shooting world. And, while he’s continuously striving to increase his own shooting skills, Rodriguez also aims to help newcomers to the community with his "Average Joes" initiative.

Rodriguez notes that his goal is to bridge the gap between people simply owning firearms and how to train them to be efficient and prepared for any situation. Hosting multiple range days alongside his informational content, Rodgriguez is building a community of educated gun owners from all walks of life and levels of ownership.

Competitive Shooter Jimmy Rodriguez

To help him with his Average Joes initiative, in addition to his own training, Rodriguez trusts only Kestrel Ballistics products. We sat down with him to discuss the KST1000 Shot Timer, how he uses it, and how its user-friendly navigation allows newcomers and veteran shooters alike in their sport-shooting or training journeys.

Q: What were some of your initial thoughts about the KST1000? How did you first learn about this new product?

Rodriguez: I first heard about the KST1000 when a buddy sent me an early post on it, and the two big things that stuck out to me were the ability to use it in dry fire and the two screens making it easier to use on (the) range.

Q: What sets the KST1000 apart from other shot timers on the market? What is a characteristic that could get a shooter to switch to the KST1000 platform?

A: For me, it’s not one specific feature, but the complete package: saving different setting profiles for different uses (suppressed versus unsuppressed, indoor versus outdoor, dryfire versus live fire); the two screens making it easier to read without having to remove it from your belt or pocket; dry-fire settings to practice at home; the ability to look at different strings of fire from your entire training session versus just seeing the last one; being supported by the Kestrel app, etc.

All the features combined make it a great tool for shooters to analyze their training and get the most out of their sessions. Additionally, with the new update adding the count-up feature, it will be hard to beat this shot timer.

Q: How user-friendly is the KST1000? Is it easy to learn for newcomers to the device?

A: I went to a match (where they) forgot shot timers, so I grabbed mine out of the car and handed it off. The user interface, while different than what most people are used to, is straightforward. It’s much easier to navigate settings and review times with additional buttons. Once people see that, it's much quicker to find what you’re looking for.

Competitive Shooter Jimmy Rodriguez

Q: At $300, we know that this shot timer will give some people sticker shock. What's your response to those concerns?

A: I think the big thing for people to see is how much more you can do with this shot timer versus some others on the market. And, pairing it with the Kestrel LiNK app means you’re getting constant updates for it, futureproofing it and ensuring you will get your money’s worth over time.

Q: How do you practice using the KST1000 Shot Timer? Any tips for new or established users?

A: I use it a ton in dry fire. A lot of my time is focused on bolt guns and scoped carbines, so I spend most of my time practicing build and break drills. From a standing-ready position — as I would be at the start of a stage — when the beep goes off, I move into a position and fire a shot at a designated target. This drill allows me to [focus on] moving into specific positions as efficiently as possible.

I keep track of those times in the long term to see if I’m making progress and pair that with video to see where I can improve. I may find something on film that I think will work and try it for a session or two, (and) the timer tells me if it's working or if I need to go another direction. Using a timer for data like that is vital because there are times when we can feel we are moving fast, but the time is slower — and there are other times when we may not feel as fast — but the times are fast because we are moving more efficiently. From there, I take these same drills to live fire to confirm the work I’ve been putting in to make sure it's translating. I follow this same concept/formula to isolate any skills I'm trying to improve.

Q: Can you share any details about the recent firmware update?

A: The biggest thing that users will be excited about is the count-up clock after the timer goes off — which will be a big plus for competitive shooters and match directors.

Q: Is there anything else you'd like to add about the KST1000?

A: Having used the KST1000 for the past 5 months, I would never go back to any of the other options. The features and interface have made training more enjoyable and productive.

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